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Home: Welcome

All About Us is a platform for keeping and sharing of propety information, and to communicate with our clients and prospective clients on property buying, selling, renting and letting.

We mainly collate information on new launch projects that we are marketing for the developer, while for the rest are projects that we are focusing on.

Nevertheless, we welcome all enquiries.


The Property Market Trend of Singapore

By and large, the price trend of property is determined by demand and supply of the property.  The demand is generally affected by economic growth, population and demograghic factors, income level, investment and etc. On the other hand, supply is determined by the available of land, development control, in particular the concept plan which sets out the long-term land use directions and the  master plan which determines the use type and intensity of use for each piece of land in Singapore.


Contact Us

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The information contained herein are compiled from various sources for reference only. The information may not be accurate and/or the validity of such information may change overtime. Users are advised to conduct their owned research and/or seek professional advice. 

We disclaim all liabilities and no claim of damages, losses, costs, expenses and etc. shall be entertained due to the use of information herein.

In addition, it is believied that the information compiled are public information. Do let us know if this is otherwise, we shall be obliged to remove such information, if any.

In addition, the use of this site shall be subject to the usual data protection and privacy policy contained herein.


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